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2018 March 7
by Greg & Lyn

Greetings from the Abacos, the northeastern part of the Bahamas. It took us a while to get here, but it’s so beautiful it’s worth the effort and the waiting.

We spent some time in Green Turtle moored at Donnies. He was the first person we met on our first trip to the islands. We’ve seen him each year and usually get to go to church with him.  This time the service was amazing, one of the best we’ve been to in a long while.

Once the weather calmed down, we went thru the infamous Whale Cay cut, bane to many who find themselves on a schedule and go thru when they shouldn’t. Down to Man o War Cay, one of our favorite spots. It’s still beautiful, the people are friendly and welcoming and the church is vibrant, over 100 people attending from an island population of about 300.



Navigating Green Turtle by golf cart

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Most beaches are a combination of rock and sand.  Some few are all one or the other



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Lunch at Pineapples


Turtles everywhere, and surprisingly fast!



Sunsets are always breathtaking


Parents are the same everywhere


Lunch at Pete’s: where the elite eat in their bare feet…



He quieted the sea with his power


One Response
  1. Cynthia Wood permalink
    March 7, 2018

    Greg ( and Lyn) – envious! Beautiful photos… glad to see and read your posts. All the best! Cynthia Wood

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