The “2”
While we were in Alaska, we started looking at the atlas and pondering possible routes back across the country to get home. Needless to say, there are a lot of possibilities, most involving interstate highways. While those may be the fastest, they are not our favorites. We also didn’t want to dip too far south and get caught in the late summer heat. Then we noticed a little secondary highway, Route 2, that crossed from Seattle all the way to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, staying fairly close to the Canada border and going through small towns. Perfect! Then we talked to folks who lived along Route 2 and all said the same thing – “Oh yeah, the 2. That’s a great route.” So we decided to take “the 2.”
Another bear sighting! He was almost quick enough to miss out on getting his picture taken. But Lyn usually has one camera or the other in her hand and ready.
Driving along the Columbia River after leaving Curlew Lake.
A steep downhill led to the small, free Keller ferry to cross the Columbia River. Leave it to us to go for another ferry ride in the middle of Washington State!
Packed in tight!
The road leading south from the river was just as steep or maybe steeper than the one leading down to it.
More irrigation. Everything in the region grows well, but only with a lot of help.
The view of Lake Roosevelt from partway up the climb out of the river gorge.
Once on top of the mesa leaving the river area, the landscape changed again. We were amazed at how many different types of landscapes we saw during our trip, ranging from dry and arid to lush and verdant. Out west, lots of climbs and descents. As we moved into the midwest, it turned flat.
We couldn’t resist taking a picture of the larger than life Wilbur the pig standing watch over Main Street in Wilbur, Washington.
Hmm. Wonder how he gets that boat on and off the trailer? Or does the trailer have to come down first? The sign in the window of the truck listed a welding business, so our guess is that he built the rig himself.
Amber waves of grain! We saw miles of fields just like this.
Another state checked off – out of Washington and into Idaho.
A very cool name for a mountain pass. We’re guessing they have a great July 4th celebration.
Out west, the roads are more open, the speed limits much higher and the trucks a lot longer! Just how does the driver look in the mirrors and know when the truck is safely past someone?
We never liked to see the “check brakes” notice on the signs. Although it’s better going down than up, maybe.
The northern neck of Idaho is pretty thin between Washington and Montana.
What a great name for a town!
Paradise has a church – a very photogenic one.
Off the mesa and back into mountains. Notice the train track running alongside the road. We never could escape the trains!
Just a reminder that we’re in the west! It’s actually the name of a small (very small) town in Montana.
Wildflowers are always pretty. It’s like God decided to put a little color into the landscape every once in a while just to add a touch of beauty.
A beautiful lake. And big enough for lots of sailboats.
Wild goats along the side of the road.
Balloons! Hot air balloons always look so graceful and peaceful. Maybe we’ll have to go to a balloon festival someday.
But if not…
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