Silver Lining
We have a good friend who talks about the “God Sightings” her family sees as they go through different things in life. That’s what we are doing today. Seeing God’s mercies at every twist and turn. In the events we go through and the people he puts in our lives.
We left Galesville on saturday afternoon heading south on the Chesapeake. It was an incredibly beautiful day with 10 kts of wind. We sailed 20 miles down to Herringing Bay and anchored for the night. I didn’t get a sunset picture but instead this amazing full moon picture as another boat was coming into the anchorage to join us for the night.
The next day was even better even if we did have to sail close to the wind. We had 12 to 20 kts of wind and sailed 40 miles down to Solomon’s MD. The sun was bright and sparkling on the water and we were sailing at 6 – 7 kts!! We anchored in Mill Creek away from the noise and lights of Solomons Island. I made a pot of Brunswick Stew for dinner while Greg calibrated the wind instruments, George (our auto pilot) and topped off the batteries. We sat in the cockpit at sunset and enjoyed stew and our surroundings. I didn’t even bother getting up for the camera as the sun was setting….figured there were many more nights to come for sunset pictures. And there will be!
The next morning we got underway at 6:45 because we had 45 miles to go and the wind was going to be very light. We were motoring out of the mouth of the river at 7 AM as the sun was rising on another gorgeous day on the Chesapeake! AND THEN we suddenly started losing speed. The engine was still running just fine but no speed. We raised the sails and I tacked back and forth heading back into the river as Greg went below to figure out what was wrong. He checked the fluid levels, manually shifted the transmission into forward and reverse and checked all the linkages but no go. Nothing. The transmission had quit working. We looked at each other and just sighed….then called Tow Boat and then Zahnisers Marina in Solomon’s and arranged for a mechanic to look at it when the tow boat got us to the dock. We had to be taken out of the water because when the transmission is taken out the prop shaft is no longer supported and it leaves a big opening for water to “flow” in! So we are safely on the hard in Solomon’s Island, our transmission will be taken out today and sent to NJ to be repaired. We were told it could take a couple weeks.
We were rather frustrated with how the day went, but we sat, in our gracious friends basement apartment, this morning with our coffee and started talking about all the ways God has provided for us. First and foremost that we were safe. We were not in the middle of nowhere (and we HAVE been there before!) but instead close to a town where we had a tow boat captain with 25 years of towing experience (knowledgable and friendly!) and a good marina with a good reputation for repairs and a lift to keep the boat safe during the repairs to special friends that drove to Solomon’s to pick us up and take us back up to Galesville to get our car to knowing we could just show up at our friends apartment and stay for as long as we needed.
We are very thankful for how God provides for us even when we aren’t aware until after the fact! And now we wait….
He quieted the sea with His power
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