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The Lakes region of B.C.

2019 September 26
by Greg & Lyn

On our way north, we met a couple from BC and talked routes and places. They offered that we should make our return trip through the Lakes region west of the Rockies. After looking at the maps and pondering the various options, we agreed that it was a good plan. So we turned at Dawson Creek and headed down the valley.

Our tolerance for challenging road conditions has slowly gotten laxer. Davie Lake was at the end of this stretch, most of which was driven at 5-10 mph to keep our teeth from getting jarred too badly. But the lake was beautiful.


We took the opportunity to try and patch up the dings on the windshield. Although we were advised to expect that Alaska would claim our windshield, it was not to be. All three of our dings came after we crossed back into Canada!

The instructions said that chips were pretty straightforward but that cracks were iffy at best. We had 2 chips and 1 crack. The instructions were right – the crack was not fixable and continues to slowly spread across the windshield.

The fireweed is definitely done for the season. As one Alaskan told us: it does not mean that summer is over. It means that winter is here!

Davie Lake provided us with some fun evening entertainment. A fairly large black bear decided he liked the scent of several campers grilling and meandered into the campground. Fortunately, it turned out that he liked the berries in the bushes along the lake better and so wandered away. But, at least in our minds, he was never far away and we stayed cautious the rest of the evening.

Hmm – why was the bear at Davie Lake and not Bear Lake? Actually, the road to Bear Lake was much longer and looked to be worse than the road into Davie Lake.

A gorgeous sunset over Williams Lake

More chainsaw art. I guess people spend so much time with chainsaws as a normal part of life that their creative juices get flowing.

The naming of some of the places is interesting. Turns out that 100 mile House is the name of a town where, yep, a roadhouse was located 100 miles from where the river boats dropped people off and they started the overland trek. And – yes – there were several other places along that stretch with similar names with slightly different numbers at the front.


Every place wants to be famous for something. The worlds largest cross country skis is certainly a unique thing for which to be known.

All along this route, the research into the hardships of people during the gold rush kept coming coming back to us. Amazing stories of very hardy folks enduring incredible conditions.


But if not…


Chetwynd B.C.

2019 September 24
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by Greg & Lyn

A lesson we learned from cruising that we carried over to the RV is to be as flexible as possible when traveling. Be open to what you find as you go and be prepared to be surprised. We hadn’t heard much about Chetwynd other than a brief recommendation to stop and see the chainsaw carvings. Then we drove into town and saw wooden sculptures everywhere. So we stopped. The extent of the carvings is incredible. Turns out that the town held a chainsaw carving contest in 1992 to mark the 5oth anniversary of the building of the Alaska Highway. Each year since then, they have held the contest and then the entries are put on display in various parts of the t0wn.


Some of the original sculptures kind of fit the expected themes of bears and eagles and other wildlife.

Some, however, are decidedly more unique.

The level of detail and intricacy in the carvings make it easy to forget that these were all done by chainsaw!!


Even modern superheroes get into the act.

The sign describing the origins of the carvings.

Spearfishing in the middle of British Columbia?

Fertile imagination or just weird?

Even the benches are part of the exhibit.

Hockey – not unexpected.


But if not…

Dawson Creek B.C.

2019 September 23
by Greg & Lyn

We made it! To the end of the road – actually the beginning of the road since we traveled it backwards from the terminus at Delta Junction.

We’ve talked about visiting Alaska and traveling the Alaska highway literally for decades. Finally getting the chance to do it was an amazing journey. One that we hope to do again!

Another of the highway realignment sections.

The place where it all started in 1942.

The official milepost 0 spot in the middle of town.

But if not…

Fort Nelson B.C.

2019 September 23
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by Greg & Lyn

Fort Nelson was an interesting stop. We were looking for a place to camp for a couple nights away from too many lights so that we could see the Northern Lights. Fort Nelson  seemed like a good candidate. The town is going through tough times with the loss of both the timber industry due to tax changes and a gas plant shutting down. People were nice and friendly but not very optimistic about the town’s prospects. Unfortunately, the aurora didn’t cooperate.


A black bear and her cub rushing across the road. The cub was slow, making it easier than usual to get a picture.

Still amazing scenery around every corner.

We saw quads everywhere. There are seemingly permanent trails alongside each road that are used for 4 wheelers in the summer and dog sleds in the winter.

Another black bear skedaddling across the road. They were always pretty quick and hard to get pictures of.

The weather seemed to add to the dramatic views!

Over time, sections of the Alaska highway have been re-aligned to make them more easily traveled. Some of the new projects fixed the steep grades – some were initially as high as 25%, now down to 10%. Sometimes they went around small communities to avoid high traffic areas (at least high for the area) and sometimes they just looked for better conditions with less permafrost to contend with.


Another of the little out of the way campsites we found. Through the course of the summer, we rarely camped in places with any amenities like power or water. Most of our favorite spots were simply little spots like this one along the side of small lake or river.

There is a major spruce beetle infestation problem in both Alaska and Canada. Apparently the beetles bore into the bark and kill the tree. There were miles of dead trees. One campground close to Denali was closed due to all the dead trees falling down.

The grades were pretty steep in places. Steep enough that trucks had to worry about losing their brakes. Of course, there are no nifty runaway truck ramps for bailing out. More ominously, many of the steep grades had designated “chain-up” and “chain-off” areas on either end. Bet those sections are a lot of fun in ice and snow!


But if not…

Muncho Lake & Stone Mountain Park

2019 September 23
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by Greg & Lyn

The stories from the building of the Alaska highway are incredible. Some of the details are pretty basic: it was originally intended for military transport in case of an invasion of Alaska during WWII, the road was finished (to a degree) in 1942 after 8 months of construction, something like 100,000 Army troops were deployed to build it, etc. It’s the little stories that are the most intriguing. One of those is Muncho Lake. Muncho is a glacial lake with steep rock slopes coming down from the mountains straight into the water. So building the road around the lake required carving a shelf all the way around the 7 1/2 mile length of the lake.

Driving around the lake today makes it apparent just how daunting the challenge must have been. The road is winding and narrow, often with the water on one edge and sheer rock walls on the other.  It’s also a beautiful jade green color due to the glacial silt suspended in the water.


The sign showed some of the challenging spots of construction.

Stone sheep along the edge of the cliff. Native to western north America, primarily found in British Columbia – imagine that! It was amazing to watch them scramble around the steep rocks. Turns out they are typically licking the rocks to get minerals for their diets.

More wildlife – seems like they came in herds along this stretch!

The jade color really stood out. Turns out the color is a result of the wavelengths of light that are either absorbed or reflected. The green is what gets reflected back off the water.

Leaving Muncho Lake and entering Stone Mountain Provincial Park in the northern Rockies of British Columbia.

Some of the drops were quite impressive. Best not to look down while driving!


More snow capped mountains. People told us that the route through BC would get snow before Alaska. We are believers!

A great shot of Stone Mountain, the namesake of the park. Notice how close to the treeline we were.


Some people choose a very difficult mode of travel. We were miles from anywhere with lots of steep climbs in all directions. Ouch!


But if not…

Watson Lake and Liard Hot Springs

2019 September 21
by Greg & Lyn

After our trip up to Dawson City and then to Whitehorse, it was time to start back toward the lower 48. One of the first stops along that route is Watson Lake, home of the worlds largest sign forest. Actually there are more signs (88,000) than people (800) by a couple of orders of magnitude!

Our trip thru the Yukon continue to bear out the slogan “Larger than Life.” The place is big. The distances vast. The vistas endless.

Wolf Creek Campground.

A rustic bridge. Seemed pretty sturdy to us. Sturdy enough to drive across.

Fireweed. We learned to really appreciate this hardy plant. The name comes from the fact that it’s usually the first plant that grows in a burned out area after a forest fire. It’s more of a wildflower than a weed, although I guess the line is pretty blurry. The blooms start at the bottom and progress up to the top. Then the bottom petals start to die off. When the last of the topmost blooms dies, the plant goes to seed, summer is over and winter has arrived. Notice that the plants above are totally gone to seed….

We collected a couple stalks of fireweed that had gone to seed. It will be interesting to see if it will grow down south.


Lots of migrating birds make stops on both their northward and southward journeys. We found the swan hangout, absent any swans, unfortunately.

Crossing the line heading south back into BC from the Yukon.

A meal stop on the side of the road.

Snow capped mountains in August. Ominous!

Our contribution to the sign collection. The story is that a military guy got bored and posted a sign with the name of his home town. Other military guys followed suit. The tradition stuck and people passing through to this day post their signs. Some were amazingly elaborate, some pretty simple.

The lady in the local visitors center said that Watson Lake is home both to the largest sign forest and the largest collection of un-prosecuted contraband. Turns out that many of the signs have been liberated from their original homes. We saw town signs, road signs, license plates, and quite a few business signs.

Liard is where we found the bison. (or buffalo?) Turns out that the correct name is bison. Buffalo are found in Asia and Africa, although the names are used interchangeably.


A fog bow. No color and not cold enough (we think) to be an ice bow. And it was foggy that day.

Fireside. During the Alaska highway construction, fires were kept burning pretty much continuously to provide a place to warm up.

One of the more interesting tow-behinds we saw. No reason to leave any of the toys at home, I guess.

The 3rd of the hot springs we visited, and probably our favorite.

It was about a 10 minute walk along a boardwalk through the forest to get to the hot springs. Liard was the most natural setting of the hot springs. The springs are actually just a wide spot in the river. The water backs up as it flows down the hill, making a natural, and very hot pool. The hot springs were very popular with soldiers building the Alaska highway. After a day of road building in the winter weather, the springs must have felt wonderful! It sure felt wonderful to us!

Early morning mist at the hot springs. Worth the chilly walk!

Given the location of the springs, we wondered about bears. Sure enough, a brown bear showed up and the local park rangers chased it off with “bear bangers,” shotgun shells with no pellets. There was no move to close the springs to bathing, making us wonder how the bears felt about sharing their bathtub with humans.

More bear education signs.

Bison are huge and amazing creatures. But slow. No wonder they were hunted almost to extinction.


But if not…




Whitehorse Yukon Territory

2019 September 20
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by Greg & Lyn

Our trip through the Yukon took us to Whitehorse, a fairly large city both in population (about 25,000) and size along the Yukon River. It’s also the capital of the Yukon Territory. The name apparently comes from the rapids on the river that supposedly look like the mane of a horse.


We saw amazing wildlife throughout the trip. This was a red fox with a white-tipped tail, found primarily out west. Different from the red foxes we have in Maryland.

Spectacular views of the Yukon River where the gold rushers traveled up to the craziness of the gold fields.

Fox Lake Campground.

The common eating area in the campground. Complete with a wood stove that someone was using both to cook and for heat.

Another of the many beautiful campsites we discovered along our journey. We are totally and completely spoiled by the natural beauty of all the many places we camped.

Note that we often used our external propane tank. We found that the nights were cold enough by this time that we needed the heat in the camper. The furnace puts out a lot of heat, but it uses a fair bit of propane to do it. So we carried an external grill sized propane tank to make sure we didn’t run out. The big concern actually was that the fridge runs off propane and we didn’t want to chance running out and losing the food.

Of course, no matter where we are, we seem to gravitate towards the water and the boats that ply it. In this case, another of the great riverboats.

The cargo hold with lots of room for stores.

But not much room for people. One of the interesting things is the vast gulf between 1st and 2nd class accommodations. Guess some things haven’t changed…

2nd class dining…

1st class dining…

The great paddlewheel that drove the riverboat. Seems like a pretty fragile mechanism for traveling on such a dangerous river journey.

The meat locker on the top deck. It was cold enough to just hang the meat outside in the weather. No need for extra ice!

Close quarters!

Reindeer milk – what a delicacy!

The boiler – where it all starts.

The wheel – where all that steam from the boiler turns into motion.

One of the cool spots in Whitehorse was the transportation museum. Just trying to picture the conditions back in the gold rush days is hard enough. Then trying to imagine getting around and hauling cargo.


Looks pretty precarious, although it was probably very well built.

A fascinating story about a 67 year old man going in to a restaurant to apply for a job as a cook in the Yukon. He was also a survivor of the sinking of the Titanic. He was also a veteran of both the civil and the Spanish-American Wars. Talk about an interesting life! And starting a new chapter of his life in the Yukon at the age of 67!!

The sister ship (plane) of the Spirit of St Louis! A surprising find.

More sled dogs. They were (and still are) a vital part of the Yukon!

Maybe a bit too much?

The worlds largest wind vane. An old DC3, restored and then mounted on a pedestal allowing it to swivel with the wind, making it a working wind vane!


But if not…

Dawson City Yukon

2019 September 16
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by Greg & Lyn

Our side trip up to Dawson City, Yukon was great!! Definitely on the must-see list and the do-it-again lists.


Even the signs are unique…


The streets of Dawson are all dirt and gravel, no pavement. Makes it easier to maintain them after the frequent rain.

One of the famous riverboats that carried miners and supplies during the Klondike gold rush.

A side-wheeler that gives tours.

More views of the Keno, the riverboat.

A very modern looking hospital. Kinda makes sense when you think about what people did here for a living.

Robert Service was a poet whose work was greatly influenced by his time in Dawson City. One of his unique offerings: “There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold. The arctic tales have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold. The northern lights have seen queer sights. But the queerest they ever did see was the night on the marge of Lake Labarge I cremated Sam McGee.”  Yes – we visited Services old home and, yes, we camped at Lake Labarge.

Not all the buildings in Dawson were run down and old…

Another author with Dawson City roots was Jack London. He was part of the gold rush in 1898. Never found gold. Left sick and penniless. But turned to writing and got rich before he died in San Francisco at the age of 41.

Living in a cabin like this in the wilderness would be a trial. Not sure the inspiration is worth the price.


A warning. If the cold in winter doesn’t get you, the bugs in summer will.

Snowshoes are understandably a big item. Lots of types, styles and sizes to choose from.

Get your gold pans!

Reading libraries are everywhere. And we can’t pass one without looking through the books.

Yes – it was mid August when we were in Dawson!

Another view of our campground.

Dawson was the most genuine town we visited. The whole place had an authentic feel to it. It was fun walking around and looking at the various old buildings.

The roads take a toll on the cars. The rains don’t really wash the mud off. And it doesn’t do much good to wash it off – it just comes back in a couple days.

So many messages in just one small sign.

Most of the names of businesses are related to the gold rush days.

These buildings were left without restoration as an example of the challenges of building in Dawson. The smaller building on the right had a wood stove on the left side, near the taller building. The heat from the wood stove melted the permafrost and caused the building to settle. Since all the buildings are on either marsh or permafrost, there were some very unique challenges in building.

Another view of the settling caused by melting permafrost.

One of the interesting stories we learned from Pierre Burtons book was about a guy who went with the gold rushers, but didn’t actually search for gold. Instead he surveyed the ground at the steamboat landing and sold off lots to people who wanted to build either cabins or businesses. He made out much better than most of the miners!

Sod roofs provided insulation against the long, cold, bitter winters.

Fire was a serious danger to the town. Given that many of the buildings were saloons, made of wood and filled with people drinking, fire was an all too common occurrence.

This was our campsite for our visit to Dawson. Right in the middle of town within easy walking distance of everywhere.

After all the easy gold was mined, someone realized that the creek beds must still be loaded with gold dust and nuggets. The easiest way to get the gold from deep in the creek beds was to turn the creeks upside down. So huge dredges were built to do exactly that. The bottoms of the creeks were gradually dug up, the gold sifted out and the rubble piled up next to the dredge. So the area around Dawson City is a vast expanse of those rubble piles, called tailings. A very effective way to get the gold. Not very effective for maintaining the beauty of the area.


But if not…

Yukon Territory

2019 September 11
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by Greg & Lyn

Even though we opted not to take the Top of the World Highway, we did decide to take a side trip up to Dawson City. We’re really glad we did. The ride up and back and Dawson City itself were all well worth the extra miles.

We love their slogan – and agree with it.

Names of places are usually pretty descriptive. And most come from the old gold rush days. In fact, the gold rush seems to have influenced just about everything in the Yukon.

Congdon Creek was a neat campground, but had a feature that we had never seen before. Apparently there is a lot of bear activity (that’s a bad thing by the way) in the campground – all the time. So the tent camping area is surrounded by an electric fence.

Here’s the electric fence. The tent pads are on the inside. The picnic tables and food storage lockers (bear-proof, of course) are on the outside. The goal is to keep the tent areas safe and free from any bear attractants, except humans…  Not sure how we feel about camping inside an electric fence…

When we arrived at the campground, it was cloudy and rainy. A walk on the beach – all rocks – was still beautiful. But the weather change was pretty dramatic during our time there.

More wildflowers along the beach. Stuff grows prolifically.

Later the same day the clouds started clearing and it became beautiful and sunny.

Next morning it was 32 degrees – August 17. Still in the 90’s back home.

The next morning there was snow on the top of mountain. Ominous! We had been told that western Canada would be more of a challenge on the trip home than Alaska. At this point, we were starting to understand the why!

The Canyon Creek bridge was an engineering marvel. It was built in just 18 days back in 1942 and is still standing today. Some of the boards look a little worse for wear and the weight limit is probably down a bit, but it’s still there and people still drive across it! There has been restoration work through the years, but note the warning “This bridge does not meet current highway codes.”

The Takhini river was also the site of the next hot spring we visited. It felt amazing, even though it wasn’t quite as scenic. The hot spring was fed into an old concrete swimming pool. So one end of the pool was very hot, the other pretty hot. And every night they drained the pool and let it refill. But the Takhini river itself gets high marks for beautiful scenery.

The picnic shelters have built in wood stoves. Not a normal feature in the lower 48!

We found a small campground with a decent view to the north, hoping to see the northern lights.


The “you are here” dots are all the more amazing when considering the scale of the Yukon Territory.

Not as grand as we would have liked, but definitely a glimpse of the northern lights, the aurora borealis!

The Braeburn Lodge has 2 main claims to fame. First, it’s a checkpoint on the Yukon Quest. Secondly, and more immediate, they have excellent and very large cinnamon buns!

The maker of the buns and the proprietor of the Lodge.

The historical Montague Roadhouse. Another major stop for the gold rushers heading through this way. Some of the buildings have been restored, including the main roadhouse. Some are still standing but are pretty rough. Together, they illustrate what life must have been like traveling along the route.

Carmack, named after George Carmack, the person credited with discovering the first gold nugget that sparked the Klondike gold rush. Although the stories get pretty murky. Pierre Burton’s book Klondike tells all sides of the story, and details how Lyin’ George Carmack got his nickname…

Our first coyote sighting! He ran across the road and then stood on the shoulder posing for a bit. Western Coyotes are apparently pretty shy and aren’t often seen.

Driving up into Autumn. the color changes were stark as we drove up the road to Dawson City.

The Pelly River. Pelly Crossing is part of the Yukon Quest route.

Stewart Crossing. Turn left for Dawson City and gold mining country, turn right for Mayo and silver mining. We followed the gold rush.


But if not…

Delta Junction Alaska

2019 September 9
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by Greg & Lyn

The end of the road! Actually, the official end of the Alaska Highway. It’s interesting to note that the Alaska highway was originally built as a military road. Fearing a Japanese invasion of Alaska, the military needed a way to transport vast amounts of equipment and men from the lower 48 up to Alaska. So the Army Corps of Engineers built the original highway in 1942 in just 8 months. Of course, it was dirt and gravel, had as high as 25% grades and some of the bridges were more like fords than bridges. Over time, it has been improved, rerouted, paved and smoothed out. The steepest grades are now 10% and the bridges are all pretty solid. The last gravel stretch was finally paved in 1992.

Brrr! Not sure I’d advertise this too widely.

Since we ferry hopped up to Alaska, we didn’t drive the Alaska highway. So we drove it backwards at the end of the trip – starting at mile 1422 and counting down.

The mosquitos grow big – this one almost did us in!

We met a German couple in a charter camper whose refrigerator quit right at the beginning of their trip. Fortunately it was a minor issue that could be fixed with a scrap of wire and some electrical tape.

We found a meat packing company and bought some bison sausage. They had several different types to sample, including reindeer and yak.


But if not…