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Outer Banks NC

2020 December 1
by Greg & Lyn

We’ve learned that the best place to social distance is walking the beach! So we booked a week in the middle of November at the Outer Banks in North Carolina. Fortunately, we picked a nice warm week!


Whenever possible, it’s necessary to visit any nearby lighthouses. Especially historic ones that have been moved inland a bit to protect from shoreline erosion.

Into every trip, a little rain must fall. Okay – in this case it was a lot of rain! Compliments of the collision between a cold front and Hurricane Iota.


The sand has just about reclaimed this small wreck.

After the beach, we stopped at Paperbird to do some minor chores and check to see that everything was still OK. It is, except for the fact that the boat is on the hard and we aren’t aboard heading south for the winter. It’s a Covid kinda year…


Cleaning the scuppers, topping off the dinghy and checking for any water or mold in the cabin. All looks good. Hopefully next spring!!


We find that a regular trip to the ocean is a necessary thing in our lives. Maybe it’s the verse (paraphrased)  “those who go down to the great waters will see the wonders of the Lord!”


But if not…

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