More of the “2”
After leaving Glacier, we continued east on “The 2.” It’s a fun drive through varied landscapes and lots of small towns.
One of the things that we enjoy most about traveling is the travel itself. In other words, just seeing the varied scenery go by and soaking in the different sights along the way. We never know exactly what is coming around the next turn, but the anticipation rarely matches the reality.
Flat, flat country – and lots of it!!
Lots of wind power, as long as the wind blows.
Interesting collection.
Beautiful church buildings all across the country in each small town.
Another small town main street. Looks sorta the same as many others, but still unique.
Herd of antelope.
A beautiful, free campsite along the side of a reservoir out in the middle of nowhere. All on private property opened up for others to use and enjoy!
Not a bad view for the night!
We even found a little marina with one small sailboat.
The look is not just in magazines and on TV, it’s normal attire out in these parts.
One of our joys along our journey is to seek out churches in the small towns we drive through and join with a new congregation for a worship service. It’s great to see how the love of Christ goes before us and is the same everywhere. People are welcoming, the preaching of the Word is heartfelt and the blessing is always a highlight of each week.
Trains were a pretty constant part of the trip across the country. We rarely were out of sight or sound of a train going by. Must be a good economic sign.
Not sure that “tolerably lurid gunslingers” is good grammar, but it paints a vivid picture of the old west.
Driving through this part of the country gave us a whole new perspective on the courage and perseverance of the early explorers. It took us days to drive across. Imagine doing it all on foot! Months of arduous trekking with no idea what’s to come. Amazing!
Another boring, old campsite! Tucked up in the shade alongside a beautiful lake. All these lake visits have us talking about kayaks…
Sometimes the road construction reminds of Alaska. We found a several mile long stretch of mud and potholes that brought back memories!
Oil wells seemingly everywhere. The flares could be seen all over the horizon.
Wildlife alert!
Apparently there is some dispute about exactly where the geographic center of the country is, but we know for sure because we found the sign! This spot was claimed first and was based on a pretty simple method. Someone made a paper model of the country then balanced it on a pin. The point where it balanced was right here. Forget all the fancy math calculations and let gravity sort it out!
Camped at Turtle River state park
A sure sign that fall is coming quickly.
Ever wonder how those huge wind turbines are moved from the factory to the installation site? Wonder no more. They are trucked in, one blade at a time.
Is that really a sport?
Lighthouses! We must be getting close to the Great Lakes!
I remember studying Leahy way, way back. Something about “Sea Power.”
Interesting sights along the 2.
How to parse that name? Bad River? or River Indians that went bad? or is the reservation bad?
Lots of veterans memorials across the country. Good to be reminded!
A small, and quite beautiful city campground. Some locals told us that almost no one camps there. No clue why. It was a great spot!
Good thing it’s not November yet…
But if not…
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