Elizabeth City to Alligator river
Elizabeth City has been welcoming and hospitable to mariners arriving at their waterfront for several decades. Two men, Mr Fearing and Mr Kramer, started the tradition. In the early 80’s, they would meet the boats and hand out roses to the ladies aboard and give out maps and other helpful info. They became known as the “Rose Buddies”. When Mr Kramer died in 1987 his widow had his rose bushes transplanted to the waterfront where they still flourish. A golf cart was donated for Mr Fearing to be able to easily meet the boats at the waterfront as he aged. He continued the tradition until his death in 2008 at the age of 91. Since then there have been other locals that meet the boats who come in and help them get tied up in a slip and give roses to the ladies aboard. The city continues to be a wonderful place to stop as they maintain the tradition of the Rose Buddies.
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He quieted the sea with His power
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Seeing the fishing boat on the Neuse river, I’m wondering how polluted it is, and if the fishermen’s nets get caught in debris under/on the river very often. Lovely sights.