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Beautiful Bahamas

2018 March 28
by Greg & Lyn

Life at a slower and windier pace this season. The fronts that have brought snow to the mid Atlantic and northeast US, have brought wind and waves to the Bahamas.  We still enjoy excursions out to favorite spots in the Abacos during the periodic breaks between the fronts.



“The low place” on Man o War Cay…Sea of Abaco on the left, Atlantic Ocean on the right.

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Watching the youth racing club at Elbow Cay in front of Hope Town.



Snorkeling at Mermaid Reef near Marsh Harbor.

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He quieted the sea with His power



One Response
  1. Cynthia Wood permalink
    March 29, 2018

    Glad to hear you are taking it slow and safe. Fabulous photos! Cynthia

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