Adirondacks in Upstate NY
When it started to get hot in the mid-Atlantic, we did what all cruisers or RV’ers do, we left for cooler climes! In our case, we headed through PA and southern NY ending up in upstate New York, the Adirondacks. Besides cooler weather, we also found friendly people in small towns, good kayaking, and some picturesque old church buildings.
An old stone church. Beautiful. But not meeting due to the crazy virus!
Interesting way to get rid of old shoes. Wonder who started the tradition?
We found an outfitter who was unable to do any guided tours due to the virus. He was selling off some of his kayaks and we couldn’t resist.
Turns out kayaking adds a pretty good upper body workout to our regular walking regime.
Beautiful scenery, delightful sunsets and rainbows over the lake! Who could ask for more?
We stayed in the cool of the Adirondacks for all of July and the beginning of August, then it was time to move on.
But if not…
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