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Elizabeth City NC

2021 October 31
by Greg & Lyn

“Harbor of Hospitality” is the self-proclaimed nickname of Elizabeth City. They sure make it true for visiting cruisers. Free docks, free WiFi at the docks, a water spigot for filling tanks and short (relatively) walks to essential places like restaurants, hardware stores and DQ.

As long as the wind isn’t out of the southeast, the docks are well protected. This year, it was a great stop. Plenty to walk around and see. Other boaters to meet and talk with. And, of course, DQ….

Tied up at the free docks in Elizabeth City, right in the heart of the downtown waterfront district. We get on and off climbing over the bow pulpit and then easing on the sea wall.

The Museum of the Albemarle. A great museum with new displays each time we visit.


Following the history of the Albemarle through the ages.


“2 brake pedals!? No way!”


Ye olde smokehouse.


Sure looks like a lot of work


But if not…

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