Fairbanks AK-Tanana State Fair
There are 2 major state fairs in Alaska each summer, one in Tanana just north of Fairbanks and the other, larger one, in Palmer. We wanted to go to one of them to see the giant vegetables that grow in the 24 hr Alaska sunshine, so we went to the Tanana fair while we were up in Fairbanks.
Fairbanks has a great bus system, free to seniors, that goes from Pioneer Park where we were parked and the fairgrounds. Even better, the fair had senior day on Wed so we got into the fair free and then enjoyed a free lunch sponsored by the Fred Myer grocery store.
A wolverine! One of the few animals we never saw in the wild.
Local cooler!
Serving up the free lunch. Turkey and all the trimmings!
Some of the huge veggies.
The winning cabbage: 58.4 pounds!!
Wonder what people will think about what they find in the capsule?
Interesting booths at the fair.
Some of the kids artwork was amazing – tons of talent!
The usual assortment of fair rides.
Hunters have booths, too.
Hot dogs, reindeer sausage, it’s all the same…
We saw this camper food truck down in Talkeetna!
But if not…
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