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Gold mining, hiking and the bore tide in Alaska

2019 August 26
by Greg & Lyn

Most days on our trip are some combination of seeing and doing things, traveling to the next place and figuring out where to go next. Occasionally we throw in a down day or so to catch up on reading and planning.

So much to see and so little time…

The Alaska railway tracks run right alongside the road stretching from Seward up to Denali.

The Turnagain Arm, south of Anchorage, was one of our favorite spots. The tidal range is about 30 feet and the tide often rushes into the narrow and shallow (initially) area forming a wave big enough for surfboards to ride.

Not far from Anchorage. Just a reminder to always be bear aware.

The Crow Creek gold mine is a restored small mining operation that still has some gold. The owners use dredges but they have some areas set aside for panning.

The master gold panner demonstrating the proper technique.

Eureka! It’s paydirt!

Actually, not recommended as a retirement plan. Hard on the knees and the back and very little return for a lot of effort. And, according to the book Klondike, by Pierre Berton, not very many of the original gold rushers had any better success.

Fascinating to see the living conditions.

Delphinium growing tall and beautiful.

A short hike from the gold mine was a small hand tram for crossing a river gorge. Small means 2 people. Hand means that’s the only source of power to cross the river. Fortunately, people on either side of the river could help so the folks riding the tram could mostly enjoy the view and take pictures.

Needs just a little work…

Kincaid Park is actually in Anchorage and is apparently a great place to see wildlife.

This moose was standing alongside the walking trail pretty much ignoring the people walking by. We were thankful to be ignored.

The worlds busiest seaplane port is adjacent to the Anchorage airport. Seaplanes come in lots of sizes shapes and colors.


During the summer, Alyeska ski resort is turned into a downhill mountain biking area.

Put the bikes in one special car and the riders catch the next car. We didn’t go to the top, so we’re not sure how the offloading worked.


But if not…


One Response
  1. Phil & Kathy permalink
    August 26, 2019

    Fun, fun memories👍😉

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