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Love our grands!!!

2019 May 12
by Greg & Lyn

We had one more day with each of our kids families after we returned to Maryland from Miami before we started driving west. We’re going to miss them all so much but will FaceTime often!! We love them and their sweet personalities!!

We were able to meet up again with our good friends from Canada…Mike and Mary Ellen from S/V Persuasion. It was such a blessing that they were in Annapolis when we got back from Miami! We picked them up and spent a short time catching up with each other over breakfast then they headed north in the Chesapeake Bay and we headed west! Hope to see you guys next summer!!


He quieted the sea with His power


One Response
  1. Mike and MaryEllen permalink
    May 15, 2019

    Your grands are just precious. You’ve captured some great photos. Thank you again for taking time to pick us up and meet with us for breakfast. So much fun getting caught up. Blessings and safe travels to you guys. We will be enjoying your posts and blogs. 😍

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