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Beaufort to Beaufort

2018 November 10
by Greg & Lyn

That is Beaufort NC to Beaufort SC…285 mile passage anchorage to anchorage…two days and two nights of sailing. What we saw and did along the way…

A shrimp boat waiting for daylight out at Cape Lookout Bight.

Cape Lookout Lighthouse as we were leaving.

Beautiful sunny day for a sail!

We were entertained by dolphin multiple times over the two day passage.

We never get tired of watching them!


Plot the course electronically before we leave then follow it.

Plot the course on paper chart every 3 hours. This matches our watch rotation and is a back up if the electronics fail for some reason.

Overcast the second day but perfect wind for sailing!

Gray skies all day!

A big schooner passed us with all their sails up.

Dolphin show…

More dolphin…

Dolphin again…

And again…

And again…

Yep again…

We really love watching them.

They are such happy creatures.

We had a huge pod at one point with big ones and small ones leaping  all around us then we noticed that we were sailing through a huge school of Krill…it was a smorgasbord for the dolphin!

Paperbird in the mooring field in SC.

Welcome to South Carolina! Thankful for a safe passage.


He quieted the sea with His power



2 Responses
  1. Charles and Renee permalink
    November 11, 2018

    Sorry we missed you this Summer. We do enjoy following your posts and look forward to making these journeys in a few years. Safe travels to you both!

  2. Elaine & Lawrence permalink
    November 11, 2018

    What a great synopsis! The pics are so beautiful, we wish we could have seen all the dolphins as they are so beautiful! Safe travels!

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