Southern Hospitality
Once again this year, we were blessed to spend Thanksgiving in the charming little town of St Mary’s, Georgia. The weather has been great – much better than the cold temperatures we remember from last year! We took our bikes to shore for a ride through town and did a lot walking along the waterfront. The people in St Mary’s are very friendly and welcoming to the cruisers who fill up the anchorage in the river. The Riverview hotel in town is the center of all the activities for Thanksgiving week. One evening is a snack potluck, the next is an oyster roast. Then the main event is Thanksgiving day. The hotel provides the venue, locals donate turkeys and ham and all the boaters bring side dishes and desserts. There was a ton of food and a great time of sharing stories with people we met last year and new friends that we’ve met along the way this year. The final count was about 175 people!
With thankful hearts!!
He quieted the sea with His power
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